Family Christmas Picture

Family Christmas Picture

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Reset day 2. Today was a busy day, it started to snow yesterday evening so this morning we woke up to a beautiful winter day, the kids were ready to go out & play. Hubby made breakfast for the kids & I made our smoothies, mine was Pink smoothie #1 & his was another type of smoothie with kale, banana, & more protein. I took a quick shower while hubby took the kids out. After playing in the snow for a while we headed out to watch the Lego Movie, the kids loved it, it was a pretty packed movie theatre despite the snowed & icy roads. I had the ultimate test one of my weaknesses is movie theatre snacks, my usual is popcorn topped with jalapeƱos & package of peanut M&M's which then I dip all that into some nacho cheese yes I know it sounds gross but I love it! I always get a side of Cherry Coke & when we lived in Hawaii I would order these fresh roasted macadamia nuts, another thing about the Hawaii movie theatre we would go to they actually carried a bowl of fresh fruit which I never ordered because hello why would I order fruit when I can have popcorn cheese & candy!!! Well now I know why!! lol it's so I wouldn't have ate prob over 1,000 calories in that one sitting, oh well back to todays experience, as hubby went into the theatre to sit the kids down I stood in line waiting to order the kids snacks, I had a mental argument about ordering something for me, & my healthy eating self ordered a water bottle for me! yay I was soo happy. I didn't even sneak in a handful of popcorn from my kids snack pack during the movie. After the movie we decided to go out to eat since we were all so hungry, we went to a steak house skipped the appetizer ordered a side salad, steak, & veggies! Dinner was stir fry veggies with some shrimp, I drank lots of water today especially since the movie theatre water bottle I bought me was $5.50 so I made sure to drink all of it, I could have bought a small popcorn for that price! Here are some pictures of todays snow day!
Yesterday was my 1st day on Pink Reset. Reset is a phase where you basically "detox" but with whole food, nothing processed or packaged. It was actually a pretty good day until night time when all my cravings became almost unbearable, so I went to bed. Going to bed early & getting a good nights sleep which I haven't gotten in a very long time was very nice. I had my pink smoothie in the AM snacked on some cucumber with lemon juice squeezed over it & cayenne pepper sprinkled on top, lunch was tuna fish mixed with chopped sweet baby peppers, salt, pepper, a bit of greek yogurt & avocado wrapped in romaine lettuce, I squeezed some more lemon juice over my "fish tacos" as I called them, for dinner I made lentils with chicken breast, carrots, celery & tomato. I drank tons of water as well.
Pink smoothie #1
my snack, I was actually sitting on the couch with a blanket watching a movie with my hubby, I needed something crunchy to snack on & these cucumbers were perfect.
I had 3 of these of these wraps but ate 2 of them before I could snap another picture.
Lentil soup I made for dinner, hubby couldnt get enough!! He loved it!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

There were big changes last year for our family. We moved to a new post from Hawaii to Washington. Between that transition we took a little mini vacay to Tx to visit family. Once we got to WA hubby got orders to deploy to Afghanistan during his deployment I shed 40lbs yay!!! Hubby got here right in the Middle of Sept & it was just me & him getting situated, going out to eat, etc basically all my healthy eating & working out went out the window. 1st there was the Las Vegas trip we took for out birthdays, then lots of Halloween candies, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, & now. We got to comfy with each other so here I am 27lbs heavier!! Now I didnt do any of that "New Year, New ME" resolution, I just decided to do it. I wasnt sure where to start so I went back to something I know & its called The Pink Method. The reason is that I dont have to buy supplements, shakes, etc. I wanted to "detox" with food & not juicing or doing anything like The Lemonade Diet. Since my book & Dvds were still packed away it took me a couple of days to find them, & as soon as I did I hit my pantry which was almost empty & my fridge which was also empty, so instead of starting on "Monday" I decided to do it that day, I made my list & hit the grocery store. I'm also changing my kids & hubbys eating habits they are all on board but of course they are not doing Pink. I'm tired of feeling crappy & tired & cant wait to lose what I have gained.
I have a thing for body care... along with many other addictions but this one caught my eye as I've been really into things with Oil in them. Laura over at mynewestaddiction recently blogged about a body lotion that is infused with Moroccan Oil. During these winter months my skin has been so dry with the cold weather & hot heaters inside, I cannot wait to pick this up next time I'm at the store. Go check her blog out for more info & she is also having an awesome contest as well, this post is my entry to the contest.